Tuesday, July 10, 2012

monique lhuillier sample sale this sunday

great info for my brides!  i know you're shopping out there for the perfect dress.  why not try getting a fantastic designer dress at a discounted price?!  check out monique lhuillier's sample sale this sunday, july 15, 2012. it's one day only, so best get your booties there as early as 6am.  i'm sure it'll be crowded!  best of luck to you all and have fun!

photo courtesy of instagram

photo courtesy of instagram

Friday, July 6, 2012

sicky friday

lily is home sick today.  it's a contagious thing, so she needs to stay home from the baby sitter's.  so i, of course, am staying home with her.  i actually had a client meeting scheduled for yesterday and today, so we rescheduled both.  i'm sure glad my clients are understanding.

it's definitely something else being a mom... a kind of concern and worry that i never experienced before being one.  but then i can say the same thing about the love and wonder that i've discovered after being a mom.  i never thought i would have this capacity and it's been an amazing journey of love and laughter.  there are definitely sacrifices that it comes with, like difficult nights when your child can't sleep because they're in so much pain.  and then the tylenol stops working and you have to send your husband to cvs at 2 o'clock in the morning.  but somehow, you don't remember those as much as the joyful times.  like how happy i was today when lily and i had our usual dance party to a happy, peppy nickelodeon commercial.  how happy i was that she had enough energy to do that and go to the park, especially when she had zero energy when i brought her home yesterday and just laid down on the couch, staring at nothing.

i think the quote above sums up a point in parenting.  i don't think it's the medicines that lily will remember that made her feel better.  i'm pretty sure it's the fact that mama stayed home with her and the 2-minute dance party that we had in our living room today.  and that, is a happy friday.  :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

happy 4th of july!

it's the season of red, white and blues!  in every celebration, food is always central.  and this recipe is perfect, since it's berry season!  i super love this recipe for its freshness and ease.  i also love great packaging and party food, and this cheesecake in a jar is just too adorable!  

happy 4th of july, everyone!  stay safe and let's enjoy the freedoms that we have in this country!

Monday, July 2, 2012

destination: marriage!

how cute and adorable is this tiny little baggage?!  it's gonna be repurposed as fantastic little escort cards to tell people what table they will be sitting at.  i can't wait to show you the whole "baggage claim" area!